RE: Access schema using a different user
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2016 03:27:12 -0800
Message-ID: <07ac01d16651$7ca77b30$75f67190$>
Only if there are no duplicate object names across the schemas, login to multiple schemas being referenced.
Matthew Parker
Chief Technologist
Dimensional DBA
425-891-7934 (cell)
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From: [] On Behalf Of MJ Mody
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 9:23 PM
To:;; oracle-l digest users
Subject: Re: Access schema using a different user
Would use of public synonyms be an approach here? The role-based, least privilege model is still followed for tables, views, etc. Objects as packages are treated separately where privileges need to be granted to user explicitly.
On 2/12/16 10:48 PM, Patrick Jolliffe wrote:
Another option is proxy authentication. Difference in that case is user has complete access to target schema, just uses own name and password to authenticate.
From: John Dunn <>
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 19:08
Subject: Access schema using a different user To: oracle-l digest users <>
I want to give a another database user to access to my schema
I know I can create a role that will grant rights/privileges to the new user to allow them to access the schema objects.
However the application will reference the database tables etc using the user that is used to connect and obviously the tables will not exist for that user.
Is the only way to resolve this using synonyms or is there something simpler?
Oracle version is 11.2
Any help appreciated.
John Dunn
Product Consultant
Sefas Innovation Limited.
Tel: + 44 (0) 117 910 0529 <tel:+%2044%20117%20910%200529> <>
-- on Sat Feb 13 2016 - 12:27:12 CET