Access schema using a different user
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2016 11:07:32 +0000
Message-ID: <EEC3316514CFB24AB2285394E0D405587C9329D6_at_BOU.sefasuk.local>
I want to give a another database user to access to my schema
I know I can create a role that will grant rights/privileges to the new user to allow them to access the schema objects.
However the application will reference the database tables etc using the user that is used to connect and obviously the tables will not exist for that user.
Is the only way to resolve this using synonyms or is there something simpler?
Oracle version is 11.2
Any help appreciated.
John Dunn
Product Consultant
Sefas Innovation Limited.
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-- on Thu Feb 11 2016 - 12:07:32 CET