Re: Slightly OT: Oracle's new Acclaim badges
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 09:34:58 -0500
Message-Id: <>
I appreciate the comments about my blog. My thoughts on the badge business are a little more basic. If you want to recognize me for something, it should be something I can put in the bank. An OCP, along with proven experience and ability is good for the bottom line. Acclaim badges? I see no use for them.
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> On Oct 21, 2015, at 6:39 AM, Charles Schultz <> wrote:
> Good day,
> I happen to be exploring Open Badges, so it was with great interest that I looked into how Oracle is jumping on the Open Badge bandwagon with Acclaim (from Pearson). Yet, I find myself being very disappointed with the initial deployment of badges.
> In regards to Andrew Kerber's "Critical DBA Skills" thread last month, the Oracle badges do not clearly identify any fundamental skills whatsoever; the badge does indeed list generic top-level skills like the catch-all "DBA", but all the so-called skills link directly to the job market. The one and only "criteria" is that one has to obtain an Oracle certificate.
> I love Mr. Kerber's thread because what he is essentially asking is "what does a warm body need to be able to do to make it in our career choice?" And some of the follow-up was excellent, like Dave Morgan's response about having the proper attitude.
> Anyone else have thoughts about the new Oracle badge program?
> --
> Charles Schultz
-- on Wed Oct 21 2015 - 16:34:58 CEST