Re: Upgrade issues to
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 22:34:29 -0500
Message-ID: <>
On 3/30/2015 3:22 PM, Schauss, Peter (ESS) wrote:
> We are getting ready to migrate some databases from (Windows 2003) to (Linux - Redhat 6.6). Are there any major changes in the optimizer that we should be concerned about?
> Thanks,
> Peter
> --
From what I have seen, changes with the optimizer are mainly for the better. There are however surprises when upgrading, like this one:
There is also the following Metalink document:
Things to Consider Before Upgrading to to Avoid Poor Performance or Wrong Results (Doc ID 1645862.1)
I am not a DBA, I am a consultant, so I don't have my own DB to manage and my own, beloved developers to support. That means that I cannot measure and give you an exact answer. Even if I were still a DBA, my DB mix would probably not be a good match for yours. You should test, test and then test some more to see whether your particular mix of queries and DML statements suffers from any performance degradation. Every upgrade has to be managed as a project, with functional tests, performance tests and, finally, when everything is ready, the UAT. You should simulate multi-user loads using swingbench or hamerora. It's a lot of work.
-- Mladen Gogala Oracle DBA -- on Tue Mar 31 2015 - 05:34:29 CEST