Re: Oracle 12c on Windows - oerr files

From: Yong Huang <>
Date: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 15:52:52 +0000
Message-ID: <>

The OH/lib/facilities.lis file is useful. It tells you a specific "facility" is part of what "component" of Oracle software. Thanks Jared. I just ran dir/s to find all *.msg files: D:\app\oracle\product\12.1.0\db>dir /s *msg  Volume in drive D is DATA
 Volume Serial Number is 4AD1-F106

 Directory of D:\app\oracle\product\12.1.0\db\crs\mesg

04/16/2013  09:37 PM           548,245 crsus.msg                1 File(s)        548,245 bytes

 Directory of D:\app\oracle\product\12.1.0\db\css\mesg

08/12/2003  07:21 PM             8,293 clssus.msg                1 File(s)          8,293 bytes

 Directory of D:\app\oracle\product\12.1.0\db\has\mesg

08/26/2008  07:20 PM            24,414 clsdus.msg 11/08/2012  10:25 PM            64,018 clsgnus.msg... and ran oerr on a random "facility" successfully, e.g. D:\app\oracle\product\12.1.0\db>oerr clsd 1 0001, 0, "Error flushing trace data for component %s"
// *Cause:  One of the lower layers have failed to write the data out.
// *Action: None

This obviously comes from clsdus.msg, installed with the software (i.e. I didn't copy it from my Linux box). Yong

      From: Jared Still <>  To: Yong Huang <>
Cc: "" <>  Sent: Monday, November 3, 2014 9:31 AM
 Subject: Oracle 12c on Windows - oerr files    

Thanks Yong.
That's the way it has been on windows for a long time. Kind of silly that a customer shoul be forced to jump through hoops to get this basic functionality. The location of all msg files can be found in OH/lib/facilities.lis as I recall. Jared

On Monday, November 3, 2014, Yong Huang <> wrote:

I blogged about this 12c oerr.bat:
"To use it, you need to set s_oraclehome to the same as %oracle_home%, set perl5lib to %s_oraclehome%\perl and copy at least oraus.msg from any Linux/UNIX Oracle box, which is missing in %oracle_home%\rdbms\mesg" (from You have to have *.msg files copied from somewhere else, at least for Oracle (I didn't install to check it.)

Yong Huang

Jared Still
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Received on Mon Nov 03 2014 - 16:52:52 CET

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