Re: impact in performance of unused database options installed
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 13:50:02 -0400
Message-ID: <>
Thank you Niall, but I'm installing the basic, xdb and java. What I'm not installing are
Oracle Text and Oracle Multimedia
I'm not removing.
2014-10-20 13:24 GMT-04:00 Niall Litchfield <>:
> Not only that but it's mandatory starting with 12.1
> I believe Juan works for a software vendor (apologies if I'm wrong). If
> so would you let your customers remove things they've determined they don't
> need. And still support them. You'd need to provide pretty strong evidence
> that unexecuted code had a measurable performance impact.
> Finally there are a bunch of notes from metalink where absent or partially
> installed features themselves cause upgrade issues.
> So my advice (not a shock to anyone here I expect) show your evidence ,
> log a bug and don't do it.
> On 20 Oct 2014 16:49, "Seth Miller" <> wrote:
>> Juan,
>> Do not remove XDB. So many components rely on this that you will start
>> seeing weird behavior over time if this component is not there.
>> Seth Miller
>> On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 10:44 AM, Juan Carlos Reyes Pacheco <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello if you know please,
>>> We used to install all the options from 9i, intermedia, and all that
>>> things, thinking one time in the future we could use them, in standard
>>> edition one.
>>> Now we have defined our strategy, we saw some components are useless and
>>> we decided do not install them. Because some of them are causing several
>>> problem when upgrading.
>>> And I had noted a real important improvement in performance.
>>> That is the reason why I was wondering if someone made a test of the
>>> performance impact of installing some components without using them, or
>>> some comments about it. (other than java)
>>> Thank you :)
-- on Mon Oct 20 2014 - 19:50:02 CEST