Re: impact in performance of unused database options installed
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 18:24:24 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Not only that but it's mandatory starting with 12.1
I believe Juan works for a software vendor (apologies if I'm wrong). If so would you let your customers remove things they've determined they don't need. And still support them. You'd need to provide pretty strong evidence that unexecuted code had a measurable performance impact.
Finally there are a bunch of notes from metalink where absent or partially installed features themselves cause upgrade issues.
So my advice (not a shock to anyone here I expect) show your evidence , log
a bug and don't do it.
On 20 Oct 2014 16:49, "Seth Miller" <> wrote:
> Juan,
> Do not remove XDB. So many components rely on this that you will start
> seeing weird behavior over time if this component is not there.
> Seth Miller
> On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 10:44 AM, Juan Carlos Reyes Pacheco <
>> wrote:
>> Hello if you know please,
>> We used to install all the options from 9i, intermedia, and all that
>> things, thinking one time in the future we could use them, in standard
>> edition one.
>> Now we have defined our strategy, we saw some components are useless and
>> we decided do not install them. Because some of them are causing several
>> problem when upgrading.
>> And I had noted a real important improvement in performance.
>> That is the reason why I was wondering if someone made a test of the
>> performance impact of installing some components without using them, or
>> some comments about it. (other than java)
>> Thank you :)
-- on Mon Oct 20 2014 - 19:24:24 CEST