Re: More Support woes!

From: Niall Litchfield <>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 17:15:07 +0000
Message-ID: <>

Wow, that's a different menu that the one I got last time I had to do this.. I know I had an SR update option because I had to key the SR number in via my (tiny) mobile phone keypad!!!

Escalating the SR via a MOS update definitely doesn't work in a timely manner (and has never worked for me).

As to getting better support, well that's probably a sore point, I have had excellent support, and awful support - I was very unhappy with support just this morning when on a P1 SR which is no less than 7 months old the analyst *again
*asked for an alert.log with very little justification. One thing that I do find helpful is to acquire more of an American outlook on life. You and I work for companies that annually pay Oracle 22% of the license fee for support and updates. That's a significant investment and yet complaining about poor service doesn't come naturally, at least to me. I know that my American friends are much less willing than I to put up with poor service, and that's a good trait to have.

The other thing that I would say is that it is always worth doing the following.

  • searching MOS for relevant notes
  • reading the notes that are suggested for the issue
  • using the checkers for ORA-00600/7445 issues
  • gathering all the relevant trace and alert files you can think of (there's a new utility tfa for that which seems pretty good but does need root access ideally)
  • being reasonably up to date with patchsets
  • attempting to produce a simplified test case.

these are mostly the sorts of things I'd ask my customers for as well.

On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Paul Houghton <> wrote:

> Hi Niall
> I followed the procedure in the doc ID you refer to. As I say there was no
> obvious option on the menu to deal with an open SR. Here is the list
> (Abbreviated a little)
> 1 Software version updates product availability or license information
> 2 Purchase new licenses
> 3 MOS access and navigation
> 4 Support contact inactive CSI
> 5 sublicenses (You have to send an email)
> 6 Hold if your call does not related to any of the above categories
> I held. The menu choices were repeated. I selected option 3 and asked
> that my SR be escalated. The escalation status on my SR is still “Never
> Escalated” This was on Friday.
> I note that the call also refers to updating the SR. I have tried this in
> the past (Several years ago) and the call was never escalated, even though
> I complained every time I updated the SR.
> I was rather relived when Howard posted, because I thought it was just me
> experiencing deteriorating support from Oracle. Presumably you get better
> support than me. I am interested in what I can do to improve the support I
> get.
> Cheers
> PaulH

Niall Litchfield
Oracle DBA

Received on Tue Nov 26 2013 - 18:15:07 CET

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