RE: More Support woes!

From: Rich Jesse <>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 09:24:51 -0600 (CST)
Message-ID: <>

> I have similar problems. Whenever you raise an SR you are asked for the same
> information multiple times. If you persist the answer you normally get is
> that the system is working as designed.

I've had truly excellent people working on the (thankfully) few Sev-1 calls I have made. I always make sure to fill out the SR feedback when I get exceptional service. (Debbie and Walter -- thanks!)

I think the problem for me is that The System (Support, in this case) seems to be designed for....well, not me. By the time I open an SR, I'd like to think that I've exhausted the resolutions that I've hopefully learned since v7. It is very frustrating being assigned a Tech who is (much) greener to Oracle than I am. As has been said in this thread, it's not the Tech's fault -- everyone is at different skill levels at any given time.

What I would like is to have something in my profile that says "bypass frontline support". I think I'd even get certified or some noise like that if it would help. I suppose that there's a "gold" (from Metalink) level of support, but there is zero chance the company will spend/waste the large sum of money on that (ROI?).

Time to make more databases now...after opening an SR. Nuts.


Received on Tue Nov 26 2013 - 16:24:51 CET

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