Re: Oracle Stack - Patching Madness
From: Austin Hackett <>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2013 17:25:50 +0000
Message-id: <>
> Do you use any Tools to automate the patching process
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2013 17:25:50 +0000
Message-id: <>
> Do you use any Tools to automate the patching process
For databases patches, I've taken the approach of creating "gold images" of the patched RDBMS and Client binaries and storing them on a central NFS share. I've written a menu driven shell script that fully automates the cloning process, so we can lay down a patched home in a couple of minutes with a couple of key strokes. This approach makes for an easy rollback plan if needed (revert to the old home), and ensures consistency across the environment too.
It's not particularly sophisticated, but it works for us. We're not a partciularly big shop though.-- Received on Fri Mar 29 2013 - 18:25:50 CET