Re: Central User management question

From: rjamya <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 07:46:22 -0500
Message-ID: <>

At my previous job, we had such a system for DBAs (not developers), we had over 3-4K databases, so each DBA was created in a central dba-only db. There were housekeeping jobs on each database that would lookup against this central db and create/drop/alter accounts as necessary. So you create user or drop or change password and in 24 hours, it is available everywhere. They changed the policy last year to create but lock accounts and unlock only on those databases where necessary. This was a homegrown solution, if EUS turns out to be not-so-cost effective, you can roll something out yourself.


On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 4:05 PM, Michael Schmitt <>wrote:

> Hello,
> Are there any tools/recommendations that would allow for central
> management of database users? What I am looking for specifically, is a
> single location where we can grant a user access/privileges to a subset of
> the environment. For example, if a new Developer joins the organization, we
> could centrally manage what databases they should have access to and allow
> for a common password on each of the targets. This should also allow us
> the ability to remove someone's access from one location without having to
> visit X number of databases.
> I found the 11g Enterprise user security feature which seems to be what we
> are looking for, but I haven't looked into it enough yet to know about
> version compatibility or licensing associated with it.

Received on Wed Jan 11 2012 - 06:46:22 CST

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