Re: Central User management question

From: David Robillard <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 10:58:08 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Hello Mike,

> Are there any tools/recommendations that would allow for central
> management of database users? What I am looking for specifically, is a
> single location where we can grant a user access/privileges to a subset
> of the environment. For example, if a new Developer joins the
> organization, we could centrally manage what databases they should have
> access to and allow for a common password on each of the targets. This
> should also allow us the ability to remove someone's access from one
> location without having to visit X number of databases.
> I found the 11g Enterprise user security feature which seems to be what
> we are looking for, but I haven't looked into it enough yet to know
> about version compatibility or licensing associated with it.

Yes, as Paul said, you pretty much answered your own question: EUS is the answer.

I'm not an expert in EUS, but David C. Knox is and he wrote a very good book on the topic. If you're interested in EUS, then I'd suggest you read chapter 5 « Identity Management and Enterprise Users » in his book called « Effective Oracle Database 10g Security by Design » ISBN: 0-07-223130-0. It's a very good read and should help you understand what it is and how to implemented it.

HTH, David

> Thanks in advance
> Mike

David Robillard
Received on Wed Jan 11 2012 - 09:58:08 CST

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