Re: DISM in on Solaris 10
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 09:38:08 -0400
Message-ID: <>
Hello Amir,
> Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 09:59:03 -0400
> I have a two-node Oracle RAC environment running multiple
> databases on M3000 servers. Both servers are identical in configuration
> with the exception that server A has twice the amount of physical memory
> than server B (64GB versus 32GB). The following parameters are NOT set
> in the SPFILE and therefore, DISM should not be enabled:
> However, when I run the "ps" command at the OS, I observe the following:
Take a look at appendix D « Administering Oracle Database on Solaris » in the « Oracle Database Administrator's Reference 11g Release 2 (11.2) for Linux and UNIX-Based Operating Systems ». It's stated how and why Oracle uses Intimate Shared Memory on Solaris 10. (I'd give you the URL, but the documentation site appears to be down at the moment).
If you "create pfile=''/tmp/pfile.txt'' from spfile;" can you see if the above parameters are set? If so, that might explain things.
HTH, David
-- on Wed Jul 20 2011 - 08:38:08 CDT