Re: golden gate and partition exchanges

From: Dba DBA <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2011 10:09:00 -0400
Message-ID: <>

Thank you. I am new to golden gate. Just started using it.

On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 12:48 PM, Mark Van de Wiel <> wrote:

> A partition exchange operation is DDL. You have to replicate DDL in order
> to capture and propagate partition exchange operations. If you don't
> capture/propagate DDL then nothing happens to the data on the target
> database (for one thing, the DDL operation is written as such to the redo
> log and there is no record of every row that was moved in the exchange).
> DDL capture and replication has a number of restrictions (see the
> documentation). The latest I know is that for DDL replication you must have
> like-to-like (i.e. the same schema on source and target) replication and DDL
> propagation is not supported between different databases (i.e. you cannot
> propagate this between Oracle and Teradata).
> What you could do (using GoldenGate's extension capabilities) is use the
> event marker infrastructure to capture the partition exchange operations and
> then kick off an event on the other database (e.g. Teradata) to perform a
> similar operation using a statement against Teradata (if that is what you
> wanted to do).
> Hope this helps.
> Mark.
> On 06/27/2011 07:04 AM, Dba DBA wrote:
>> database
>> OS: hp unix
>> Targets: another database on hp-unix and teradata
>> Here are a couple of scenarios. How would golden gate handle this? and
>> if there are problems how would I handle it.
>> 1. I have a parent table that is partitioned by day. This parent table
>> is replicated with golden gate to both targets. I exchange the partition
>> to the history table every night. The history table is not replicated.
>> 2. I have a parent and a history table replicated by golden gate. The
>> parent and child table are partitioned by day. Every a partition is
>> exchanged to the history table.
>> 3. I have a history table that is partitioned by day. This table is
>> replicated by golden gate. Every night a partitioned is exchanged to
>> this table that is from a table that is not replicate

Received on Tue Jun 28 2011 - 09:09:00 CDT

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