RE: Data Guard and network untilization
From: Iotzov, Iordan <>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2011 14:22:05 -0400
Message-ID: <>
If you use OEM (Oracle Enterprise Manager) on all servers in your DataGaurd configuration, you might benefit from the performance information that is automatically collected by each OEM agent. The “Network Interfaces” group of metrics (things like Network Interface Read (MB/s) and Network Interface Read Utilization (%) ) might be of particular interest to you.
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Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2011 14:22:05 -0400
Message-ID: <>
If you use OEM (Oracle Enterprise Manager) on all servers in your DataGaurd configuration, you might benefit from the performance information that is automatically collected by each OEM agent. The “Network Interfaces” group of metrics (things like Network Interface Read (MB/s) and Network Interface Read Utilization (%) ) might be of particular interest to you.
Note that you can access the metrics information not only using the OEM GUI, but also directly from the respective MGMT$ tables/views in the OEM repository (an Oracle DB that stores all metrics and various other information).
From: [] On Behalf Of CRISLER, JON A (ATTCORP)
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 1:33 PM
Subject: Data Guard and network untilization
Are there any metrics captured in AWR regarding network utilization- like what is the transfer rates, etc specifically to Data Guard ? We are trying to determine how much bandwidth DG is seeing and using on a network link. Thanks in advance.
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-- on Thu Apr 07 2011 - 13:22:05 CDT