Re: stats document links.

From: Niall Litchfield <>
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 15:59:11 +0000
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 4:18 AM, Greg Rahn <> wrote:

> If the data has not changed or significantly changed, then there is no
> reason to regather unless one wants to appear productive and burn up
> system resources :)

The most common reason for object stats significantly changing that I come across is the use of date (or sequence based) columns in queries. (or people that arbitrarily delete a third of their data to see if it will aid performance ). GATHER_STALE will deal with this, but I must admit I'd like the ability to tell oracle that 5% (or 50%) change made things stale instead of a fixed (undocumented if you use the default job) parameter. If anyone incorrectly picks arbitrary values on my database it should be me!

Niall Litchfield
Oracle DBA

Received on Wed Mar 23 2011 - 10:59:11 CDT

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