LOB objects
From: <Joel.Patterson_at_crowley.com>
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 14:07:54 -0400
Message-ID: <C95D75DD2E01DD4D81124D104D317ACA16152CF46C_at_JAXMSG01.crowley.com>
Can anyone point me to some practical pages or experience working with CLOBs. We have some databases that are using CLOBs, and will be using them more.
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 14:07:54 -0400
Message-ID: <C95D75DD2E01DD4D81124D104D317ACA16152CF46C_at_JAXMSG01.crowley.com>
Can anyone point me to some practical pages or experience working with CLOBs. We have some databases that are using CLOBs, and will be using them more.
So I am interested it things like 'do they grow forever' i.e. deletions really don't happen physically, (if that is so, what to do about it). Tuning: If that is necessary, all aspects, gothas. Things I could or should do?
Joel Patterson
Database Administrator
904 727-2546
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