Re: read this and thought of MOS

From: Rodd Holman <>
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 14:00:50 -0600
Message-ID: <>

Very true,
The main point is that most dbas and developers needing to get to stuff on MOS would rather just have a direct, fast, no-plugins-needed site that gives us quality reponses to our queries. I don't need drop down/pop-out/lock-me-in boxes to display a fraction of what I need so I can drill in somewhere else. Just give me a list of links i can click and read in a full browser page. My managers never get into MOS so all the pretty graphs and such are wasted effort.


On 02/11/2011 12:02 PM, Guillermo Alan Bort wrote:
> Rodd,
> I know what you are talking about but we are in 2011 already, a
> netbook with a good ssh client and a decent browser (Firefox?) is
> fairly cheap and honestly, if the only way to access a DB server is
> inside the datacenter and from it you can access MOS... I think you
> need to rethink the security of the database server ASAP. So, my point
> is that a text-based site that is accessible from lynx, ...

> cheers
> Alan.-
> <>

Received on Fri Feb 11 2011 - 14:00:50 CST

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