Re: read this and thought of MOS
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 15:02:45 -0300
Message-ID: <>
I know what you are talking about but we are in 2011 already, a netbook with a good ssh client and a decent browser (Firefox?) is fairly cheap and honestly, if the only way to access a DB server is inside the datacenter and from it you can access MOS... I think you need to rethink the security of the database server ASAP. So, my point is that a text-based site that is accessible from lynx, while an amaizing concept from an ideological point of view, looses a lot of functionality that I like in a support site. Quick access to information, good design that lets me focus on what I want instead of having to read through everything and well, honestly, It's been ages since I needed to use a browser from a server... and I think that none of the DB servers I currently support have internet access... I wouldn't expose them to the internet even if security standards allowed me to.
I agree that the whole move-to-flash idea was not targeted for the ACTUAL users but for the decision-makers, and we all know that most of them usually know very little about the actual real work that will be done by the people their decision affects. And I say *most* of them because I have met managers who actually knew perfectly well what they were doing... one or two... but still, they exist.
On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 12:26 PM, Rodd Holman <> wrote:
> It's not about the real users ability to do what they need to do. It's
> about presenting a wizbang eye-popping song and dance show to executives
> with money to pay for super platinum support. If they actually cared what
> the dba/developer users of the system thought, they would have a text based
> site that is accessible with lynx from the server console. That way you
> could get an answer while in knee deep in the steaming pile that used to
> resemble a database.
> --Rodd
> On 02/11/2011 08:40 AM, Tim Hall wrote:
>> In my opinion the technology used should be determined by what the
>> users are there to do. In the case of MOS or any forum-style site, I
>> don't see flash or ajax adding to the user experience. Flash and ajax
>> are all about interactivity, which isn't really what people go to MOS
>> and forums for. They just want to read.
>> Cheers
>> Tim...
>> The HTML version of MOS is better than the flash one, but I still
>> think it is worse than the old APEX ver
> --
-- on Fri Feb 11 2011 - 12:02:45 CST