Re: Parallel Distributed CTAS
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2011 14:23:09 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Hi Ghassan
What is a pipe ? You mean network ?
My understanding is that network is not an issue.
It is how oracle handles it. Execution plans do differ for remote and local, that's true:
SQL Statement from editor:
create /*parallel (a 2) */ table u_kaunas.ch_acct_mast_2
parallel 2
as select /*parallel(t 2)*/* from u_kaunas.ch_acct_mast t
Statement Id=2 Type=PX SEND
Cost=21708 TimeStamp=04-02-11::14::22:44
(1) CREATE TABLE STATEMENT ALL_ROWS Est. Rows: 1.589.679 Cost: 90.585 PX COORDINATOR (5) PX SEND QC (RANDOM) SYS.:TQ10000 Est. Rows: 1.589.679 Cost: 21.708 (4) LOAD AS SELECT U_KAUNAS.CH_ACCT_MAST_2 (3) PX BLOCK ITERATOR Est. Rows: 1.589.679 Cost: 21.708
[Not Analyzed]
(2) Est. Rows: 1.589.679 Cost: 21.708
Tablespace: STAGE_DATA
SQL Statement from editor:
create /*test1:1*/ table u_kaunas.ch_acct_mast
tablespace stage_data
parallel 2
as select /*+parallel(t 2)*/* from ch_acct_mast_at_cbrfcrB t.
Statement Id=3 Type=LOAD AS SELECT
Cost=0 TimeStamp=04-02-11::14::22:50
(1) CREATE TABLE STATEMENT ALL_ROWS Est. Rows: 1.549.723 Cost: 50.892 PX COORDINATOR (7) PX SEND QC (RANDOM) SYS.:TQ10001 Est. Rows: 1.549.723 Cost: 26.475 (6) LOAD AS SELECT U_KAUNAS.CH_ACCT_MAST (5) BUFFER SORT
Est. Rows: 1.549.723 Cost: 26.475 (3) PX SEND ROUND-ROBIN SYS.:TQ10000 Est. Rows: 1.549.723 Cost: 26.475 (2) REMOTE REMOTE.CH_ACCT_MAST Est. Rows: 1.549.723 Cost: 26.475 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Ghassan Salem <salem.ghassan_at_gm> To 2011.02.04 14:13 cc Subject Re: Parallel Distributed CTAS
You've got only one pipe between the 2 databases, I mean just one session,
so using parallel in this case is surely not going to help.
If you have a partitioned table, try starting several sessions each reading
a partition, and inserting into the corresponding one. Otherwise, you may
fair better if you insert into the table (not append), using several
Thank you in advance, Liamis
-- on Fri Feb 04 2011 - 06:23:09 CST