Parallel Distributed CTAS
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2011 14:03:36 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Giving up on that one:
create table TD
parallel 2
as select /*+parallel(t 2)*/* from TS_at_SRCDB t
takes twice the time compared to serial execution...
I have tested non-distributed Parallel CTAS vs serial CTAS both on source and destination databases. Parallel works faster just as it is advertised.
That kind of proves that isolated database, storage, hardware is not an issue.
Looking into statistics, destination session reports basically twice the
number "physical write bytes" than the same serial execution, i.e. 2G.
Each one of 2 parallel processes report 1G.
The table is roughly 1G size.
If this is a pecularity of how oracle tracks parallel execution statistics
I am not sure.
For me it looks like some issue with how oracle internally processes distributed parallel CTAS.
Any ideas are wellcomed.
Brgds, Laimis N
Thank you in advance, Liamis
-- on Fri Feb 04 2011 - 06:03:36 CST