Re: Sharing
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 12:40:42 +0530
Message-ID: <>
1)Client is going in wrong direction mostly, what is the size of total database, after breaking what it will be for each, which systems, applications will be running on it...merging of databases I always encourage and breaking will create lot of problems..because the database is RAC means the applications are crucial for your client. If out of the three two databases they want abandon two and finally they also want to remove the RAC Enterprise to RAC standard or Non rac with standby,dataguard then there is no problem but it requires a crystal clear study..othewise it will create a havoc..if suppose by any means the client decides to go on this path and by som emeans if the entire system became usesless, is there any manual/other system in place which can take care of the present system.
From the performance point of view it will be affected for sure..if all these three rac databases are on the growing path, hardware need to be changed
2) from the maintenance point of view if each database has its separate disk group then it may be benefitial but then again it is linked with above, life,applications must be considered.
On 18 August 2010 17:17, Mike Killough <> wrote:
> I would like to get anyone’s thoughts on the following two sharing
> options.
> 1) Multiple databases on 1 RAC.
> My client plans to break up a 10 node RAC into 3 separate RAC clusters.
> Oracle told them that a rule of thumb is to not have more then 4 databases
> sharing a RAC. I hadn’t heard this before. What are the pros and cons of
> each?
> 2) Multiple databases sharing the same ASM disk groups.
> My client has 8 databases sharing the same ASM disk group. Oracle told them
> that this is a best practice. Should each database have their own ASM disk
> group? Or should they let all of the databases on the RAC share the same
> disk groups?
> Mike
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