RE: Tool recommendation
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 19:25:50 -0400
Message-ID: <BLU129-W8F0AB70A5B923DB924A8FD89D0_at_phx.gbl>
This is precisely the tool I was looking for - FREE/uses SQLNet/Intuitive query building interface.
Thank you so much.
> Subject: RE: Tool recommendation
> Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 08:42:09 +0100
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Morning Cary,
> >> Sounds like the opening chapter of an interesting story. :-)
> I have lived that story on far too many occasions, and each time, Access
> was the problem. Well, the ability of Access to think it could fool
> Oracle into doing something like "select stuff from table where
> LONG_COLUMN like '%something%'.
> Oracle won't allow a LONG to be LIKEd so Access simply decides to pull
> ALL the data back up and filter at the local end. Unfortunately, in
> doing so, it drops all the WHERE clauses as well, resulting in a multi
> table cartesian join - in one case, of the 4 biggest tables in the
> database.
> The explain plan had some very interesting cardinalities!
> Of course, the user had become fed up waiting (for a 270 trillion (UK
> trillion = 1e6 * 1e6 * 1e6) rows to be sorted and returned to Access and
> killed the Access session. That died nicely, but left the query running
> in the database!
> To the OP: All Round Automations have a free tool called Query Reporter
> that allows users to visually build queries by dragging and dropping
> tables around. Parameters can be used at run time, or can be hard coded.
> I try to get my users to use it when Access is mentioned for two
> reasons:
> 1. It speaks Oracle - unlike Access - so if Oracle doesn't allow it,
> then the users can't do it!
> 2. It's query only, no updates or inserts.
> 3. Output can be text, html, xml, and Excel format.
> 4. Command line option can run predefined and saved queries under the
> Windows sceduler, on demand, etc.
> 5. Once written and tested, queries can be locked to prevent further
> editing.
> 6. Ok, I lied about two reasons! ;-)
> The URL is
> Cheers,
> Norman.
> Norman Dunbar
> Contract Senior Oracle DBA
> Capgemini Database Team (EA)
> Internal : 7 28 2051
> External : 0113 231 2051
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> --
-- on Wed Aug 18 2010 - 18:25:50 CDT