RE: how to make a delete statement fail
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 22:18:36 -0500
Message-ID: <000c01ca26c5$10c306f0$324914d0$_at_net>
Delete trigger that raises error
If execution plan uses index for criteria do an alter index xyz unusable, assuming skip_unusable_indexes is false (don't do this if this is a multi-billion row table ;-))
Larry G. Elkins
Joe Smith wrote:
How do I make a correct DELETE statement fail? I have a developer that wants to test a code branch and he needs a delete statement to fail.
It can't be locked ( shared or exclusive ) from a separate session or be an incorrect statement or return "0 rows deleted."
It has to be "delete from table where col = value". How can I force that to fail?
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-- on Wed Aug 26 2009 - 22:18:36 CDT