RE: how to make a delete statement fail

From: Bobak, Mark <>
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 23:14:59 -0400
Message-ID: <>

But that won't actually raise an error, will it? Just cause 0 rows to be deleted.


From: [] On Behalf Of Robert Freeman [] Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 22:03
To:; Subject: Re: how to make a delete statement fail

How about using the where clause:

delete from duplicate where duplicate_id=1 and 0=1;

So the statement is fundamentally correct except for the last predicate.

Robert G. Freeman
Oracle ACE
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From: Joe Smith <> To:
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 7:20:41 PM Subject: how to make a delete statement fail

How do I make a correct DELETE statement fail? I have a developer that wants to test a code branch and he needs a delete statement to fail.

It can’t be locked ( shared or exclusive ) from a separate session or be an incorrect statement or return “0 rows deleted.”

It has to be “delete from table where col = value”. How can I force that to fail?


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