Re: How to log attempts to connect as a locked user account
Date: Tue, 04 Aug 2009 09:06:31 +0100
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Hi Martin,
If you just want to know who is attemting to connect then simply turning on session audit is the best. Chet's idea is nice but enabling network access from within the database always worries me from a security perspective so I would always try and avoid it.
Just to add there is a session view already built into the database SYS.DBA_AUDIT_SESSION that limits AUD$ to just session audit logs.
If you want to know who is connecting irrespective of success/fail then you can also mine the listener log. Arup did a good multi-part paper on otn some time back. I dont have a link to hand but I wrote about it in my blog so you can find a link from there but beware the same caveat, i personally dont agree with exposing listener logs, alert logs, trace files etc from within the production database.
Pete Finnigan
Director Limited
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Received on Tue Aug 04 2009 - 03:06:31 CDT