Re: What characterizes sessionid=0?

From: Amar Kumar Padhi <>
Date: Tue, 04 Aug 2009 11:37:54 +0400
Message-ID: <>

AUDSID = 0 is for DBMS_JOBS that are run in the background. May be there are some other events doing the same that I am not aware of.


On 08/04/2009 12:11 AM, Christoph wrote:
> We have a need to characterize work performed in an Oracle database
> (specifically, E-Business Suite installations)
> for sessions that use SESSIONID = 0, where that session ID is acquired
> by the following:
> To further explain: this SESSIONID value is joined to V$SESSION.AUDSID
> for the retrieval of information related
> to the current session such as MODULE, ACTION, CLIENT_INFO, and the like.
> We acquire this information during the execution of a Database-level
> BEFORE LOGOFF trigger and we use details
> related to the sessions logging off to characterize the work that was
> performed during each session.
> We seem to have noted Oracle uses this AUDSID = 0 for internal
> (maintenance?) activity, but we're not sure.
> Is anyone aware of documentation that classifies which user(s) use
> SESSIONID = 0 and for what purposes?
> Thanks,
> Christoph

Received on Tue Aug 04 2009 - 02:37:54 CDT

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