Remote MVs.

From: Maria Gurenich <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 00:18:05 -0400
Message-ID: <>

Yo, ppl.

I was asked if this is possible to have a database that would contain a very specific views that are built from the source database objects so that our security ppl could run their reports. IMHO, the ideal solution would be building a replication site using MVs.

My question to you is the following: I am not quite sure would there be any impact on my source database as eventually the umber of MVs can grow if I did everything correctly and everybody is satisfied with the result.

The one who uses remote MVs - please, share your experience, pros and cons, the speed of building replication environment, etc.. This is all is under the investigation yet, so any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot before hand,

Received on Mon Jun 08 2009 - 23:18:05 CDT

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