Re: update a 200 - 300 row table - APEX
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 15:52:44 +1200
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Hi Maxim and APEXers the list,
I got APEX 3.2 up and running using the Embedded pl/sql Gateway with running on VMware guest Suse 10.1 and MS Windows Server 2003,... thanks to your help
I've now read (most of) the 2 day development guide that comes with the build and have produced a simple prototype. I have a few changes that I need to make after a demo, but both client and I are happy. Nice one :-)
Very impressive.
My app was *very* simple, and therefore straightforward. But with such a powerful tool I can envisage creating a bird's nest of an application that works a treat and is *totally* understandable and maintainable at development time, but a few weeks/months down the road is a bit of a mystery.
I wonder how complicated a "simple" app would have to be before maintenance became a nightmare.
How are these APEX applications designed from scratch, especially when the app is expected not to be trivial. And once designed, how is that design documented?
-- on Mon Jun 08 2009 - 22:52:44 CDT