Re: sane number of the table partitions in DWH
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 22:31:11 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Actually, partition count limit in 10gR1 is 64K-1, but 10gR2 is 1024K-1. So, should support 1million+ partitions.
I don't know, much about complexity of your application SQL or table design as to whether it is composite partitioned, range or hash partitioned, partition key properties , partition pruning etc, but you might want to take couple of heavily executed SQL and test it. Theoritically speaking, partition pruning is not a costly operation.
I will share my experience though. I had a client with 50K+ partitions in a table (simple range partitioning on a number column) and uses literals heavily. We didn't see much parsing issues when we added (actually, plsql code to split last partition in a binary tree fashion to be exact) 30,000 partitions over a weekend. As long as, partition and global statistics are accurate, you shouldn't see much increase in SQL execution time.
YMMV :-) Cheers
Riyaj Shamsudeen
Principal DBA,
Ora!nternals -
Specialists in Performance, Recovery and EBS11i
Forwarded Message:
On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 2:30 PM, Kurt Franke <> wrote:
Developers want to partition a (fact) table(s) to the smallest slice
The number of calculated/estimated partitions is 200 000 - 300 000 (Yep, this is NOT a typing error !).the oracle limit for the number of partitions per table is 64k - 1 in database version 10 My questions:
- What is the "manageable" number of partitions (from performance point of view == parse times) that I you have seen by clients.
- Any parameters (also underscore ...) to reduce the hard-parse times (because of the enormous amount of partitions) ?
> > 3) If I have so many partitions , what is the influence on the
> fragmentation of the shared pool? Any experiences ?
> > 4) Is multi-column partitioning a save bet (bugs) ?
> > Is is running stable ?
> > Are any special one-off patches on top of needed ?
> the patch is named version 11g which then will allow 1024k - 1 partitions
> per table
> regards
> kf
> --
-- on Mon Mar 30 2009 - 22:31:11 CDT