Re: sane number of the table partitions in DWH
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 13:32:57 +0200
Message-Id: <>
Very interesting.
Really it is so currently, but it wasn't so always.
In the Oracle 10.2 Documentation with part number B14237-02 which is the version where your link point to 1024K-1 is documented. I'm already using the 10.2 Documentation with part number B14237-01 (belongs to - in this version 64K-1 is documented. Needless to say I've never touched those values - thousands of partitions yes, but never reached a number with more than 4 cyphers.
It seems Oracle introduces features without the promotion possibilities of a new Version. Thus I should update my Documentation more often, not only for a new Version cypher directly after the first dot but every time the part number changes.
thank you
> Actually, partition count limit in 10gR1 is 64K-1, but 10gR2 is
> 1024K-1. So, should support 1million+ partitions.
> sthref4186
> The number of calculated/estimated partitions is 200 000 - 300 000 (
> Yep, this is NOT a typing error !).the oracle limit for the number of
> partitions per table is 64k - 1 in database version 10
> > Are any special one-off patches on top of needed ?
> the patch is named version 11g which then will allow 1024k - 1
> partitions per table
-- on Tue Mar 31 2009 - 06:32:57 CDT