RE: Oracle 11g CRS, RAC and ASM on Solaris

From: Lawie, Duncan <>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 16:14:02 +0100
Message-ID: <>

Hi Dick,  

how do you expect to present your disks/luns to ASM? Are you using multipathing on the server? Are there any issues if the path to disk differs between nodes in the cluster  


node 1 /dev/rdsk/c3t3d3s4 ->


node 2 /dev/rdsk/c10t3d3s4 ->    


From: Goulet, Dick [] Sent: 28 April 2008 16:07
To: Lawie, Duncan; Subject: RE: Oracle 11g CRS, RAC and ASM on Solaris


            I'm in the middle of planning/implementing a RAC on Solaris cluster. The plan is to:  

  1. use Oracle cluster services instead of other clusterware, less finger pointing.
  2. ASM is mandatory with RAC, you don't have a choice.

Dick Goulet / Capgemini
North America P&C / East Business Unit
Senior Oracle DBA / Hosting
Office: 508.573.1978 / Mobile: 508.742.5795 / Fax: 508.229.2019 / Email: 45 Bartlett St. / Marlborough, MA 01752

Together: the Collaborative Business Experience

[] On Behalf Of Lawie, Duncan Sent: Monday, April 28, 2008 8:39 AM
Subject: Oracle 11g CRS, RAC and ASM on Solaris  


I am currently reviewing options for Oracle 11 RAC on Solaris 10 and one of the proposals on the table is:

  • Use CRS as the only clusterware on the box
  • Use ASM for database (clustered) storage
  • Use Veritas VxFS on VxVM for (non-clustered) filesystems.

Has anyone else had experience with a similar set-up? If not, what do you use for RAC on Solaris?

I have seen SFRAC for cluster and storage on Oracle 10, but it seemed to disolve into cross-department finger pointing as soon as there was an issue with the cluster, the network or the storage. (Also, I understand it's not certified for 11g yet.)

Your thoughts appreciated.


Duncan Lawie
Database Engineering - Oracle
+44 (0)20 788 3 9229

"Oh to be in England now that April's there" -- Home thoughts from abroad; Robert Browning.

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