Re: Metrics for Swingbench benchmarks
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 23:45:45 -0400
Message-ID: <>
Agreed, but I was surprised to find a customer recently that has a
single database (it's a 2-node RAC) that was installed on RH 3 and about 3 years ago and they've never done any patches, upgrades,
or DB maintenance to the system in that period. Not surprisingly, it's
in need of some TLC and we're slated to begin the 11g RAC upgrade
testing next week, but I was surprised they made it this long.
Footnote 1 - They also weren't using archivelog mode until we showed up and took the first-ever database backup. Yes, I'm serious! And this DB houses the data that is the basis of 100% of the company's revenue.
In all my for the record book.
Jeremy Schneider wrote:
> **
> PS - I'm loving this whole thread because it's a perfect example of
> the bogus hype around RAC. Clustering is powerful technology and
> honestly, a lot of applications will scale well with no modifications
> on RAC. (The well-designed ones.) But clustering is complicated and
> if a sales person gives the impression that you can just run any
> application on RAC to make it magically faster -- baloney!!!!
-- on Fri Mar 14 2008 - 22:45:45 CDT