Re: Oracle Unbreakable Linux

From: Dan Norris <>
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 23:39:56 -0400
Message-ID: <>

You've gotten many good replies so far. I agree with one of the comments regarding the support teams--I prefer to file my Linux issues with Oracle support as I've found that to be a shorter route to obtain real, useful fixes (as opposed to Red Hat support).

The one edge that RH has over ORCL is their online management tools. The Red Hat Network is a much more mature interface than Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network IMHO. I recently got to register some OEL systems with the ULN for the first time and was thoroughly disappointed as I was expecting same or better functionality to Red Hat's RHN. In particular, the ability to group systems (to allow you to manage a group of systems with single operations), send package updates to systems, schedule tasks for systems, and browse a significant amount of system info are all missing from what I could see. I know that RHN has a multi-year head start and it wasn't always as cool as it is today, but ULN has a lot of catching up to do if they're going to keep those customers that have switched.

That's my 2 pesos.


Kevin Lidh wrote:
> A friend of mine is considering Unbreakable in his organization and
> wondered if I had heard of anybody using it in production. I personally
> haven't but was wondering if anyone on this list was using it and what
> they're feelings about it were? Have you used Oracle's support and how
> was it?
> Thanks,
> Kevin Lidh
> --

Received on Fri Mar 14 2008 - 22:39:56 CDT

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