Re: Server Architecture

From: Keith Moore <>
Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2008 09:23:37 -0600 (CST)
Message-ID: <>

We mostly use this architecture in production, i.e. one Unix account and set of binaries per instance. It has plusses and minuses. The plus is when application A needs a patch, but applications B through E do not. With one set of binaries, the patch needs to be tested (in theory) on all applications.

Or, Application A is on Oracle 9i and is upgraded to a new version that requires 10g. But, applications B through E aren't supported on 10g. Or are supported on, but not

In my experience, the problems are endless.

We also use Veritas clustering software and have the need to failover individual databases to a different server. I'm not sure how that would be done without each database having it's own Oracle binaries, listener, etc.

This architecture was decided before I arrived. I've done it both ways and to me, this way has less headaches.


>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Satheesh
>> Babu.S
>> Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 12:49 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Server
>> Architecture
>> All,
>> We have been proposed with following architecture by our
>> consultant. I need your expert opinion on this.
>> Assume a
>> server got 5 database and all the databases running in same oracle version
>> and
>> patchset.
>> They are proposing to create 5 unix account. Each unix account
>> will have one oracle binaries and corresponding oracle DB. Apart from that
>> each
>> unix account will have dedicated mountpoints. In broader sense each unix
>> account
>> will be logically considered as one server.
>> I am slightly worried about this architecture. Because when this
>> architecture goes to production, the impact it will have on maintenace going
>> to
>> be huge. Assuming i am having minimum 100 db in production( ours is a very
>> large
>> shop) and if i need to apply one patch to all these servers going to kill
>> us.
>> Secondly, will there be a impact on licensing. I don't think so, but like to
>> check it up with you guys. I know it has got some advantage too. But is this
>> approach is suitable for large shop like us?
>> Regards,
>> Satheesh Babu.S
>> Bangalore

Received on Thu Jan 03 2008 - 09:23:37 CST

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