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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Oracle Diagnostics Pack
By the way, you dont "install" this pack correct? You just enable it from DB
Control or Grid Control no?
On 3/19/07, Allen, Brandon <> wrote:
> Yes, that's pretty much it, however those 3 tools, particularly ASH and
> AWR in my opinion, are very nice to have. Whether or not it's worth the
> cost will be a personal/business decision. Sure, we all got along w/o these
> tools in the past, and there are ways to implement similar functionality on
> your own, but that has its pros & cons too so you have to take it all into
> consideration and decide what's best for your situation. You can get much,
> maybe even most, of the same information by just running regular statspack
> snapshots - but there is a lot of extra detail gathered with ASH. I've used
> the ASH/AWR information several times in the past 9 months since going live
> on 10g to drill down to the root cause of problems that occurred in the
> past. ADDM is nice in theory, but it hasn't really proved very useful in
> real life for me so far - I can't say I've ever actually taken any action
> based on it's findings. One of my favorite features of AWR is the ability
> to run a "Compare Periods" report, which basically takes two different
> statspack reports and runs a delta on them, then provides a nice graphical
> representation of the statistics that were higher/lower between them. For
> example, if you're getting slowness complaints from 8-10am today, you can
> run a comparison of that period today with the same period yesterday, last
> week, last month, etc. and get a very quick view into what is different
> between now and then. I also modified the defaults (hourly snapshots
> retained for 1 week) so that my system takes snapshots every 15 minutes and
> retains them for 45 days. Sure, it takes some more disk space, but it's
> well worth it in my opinion.
> Another thing to keep in mind is that when we were talking to Oracle
> sales, they heavily pushed the Tuning Pack along with the Diagnostics Pack
> to the point of almost insulting me for wanting one w/o the other. The Diag
> pack is required for the Tuning pack, but NOT the other way around. I
> tested the Tuning pack for the free 30 days and for me it wasn't worth the
> extra $$ so I just licensed the Diag pack, but again - it will be a
> personal/business decision - just keep in mind that the Diag pack is a very
> useful and complete tool on its own w/o the Tuning Pack so don't fall for
> the sales people that tell you it's useless w/o the Tuning pack or "everyone
> licenses them both together".
> Regards,
> Brandon
> ------------------------------
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *amonte
> *Sent:* Monday, March 19, 2007 4:11 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Oracle Diagnostics Pack
> Hi All
> Recently some Oracle Sales came to our company and show us Grid Control.
> They also mentioned Diagnostics Pack however i am a bit confused about this
> Pack. It seems like it is made up of ASH, ADDM and AWR. Is that all?
> Anyone has used this pack?
> Alex
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-- on Mon Mar 19 2007 - 12:21:39 CDT
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