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Oracle-L: by subject
- ** ordered use_nl question
- 10g data dictionary docs?
- 8i -> 10gR2 update
- [Q] anyone successful install ORACLE 9ir2 (32 bits) on Redhat AS4 EM_64
- archiving, redologs , database stopping
- are there any extensive docs on 10g wait events?
- Can't find the sql text from v$sql via the hash value
- Can't get rid of event "1403 trace name errorstack"
- cursor sharing
- Importing dump in different tablespace
- Insufficient privileges to create sequence with DBA role?
- Maximum Db_cache_size?
- Nologging
- ORA-01410 on data dictionary
- Parametric, Static and Dynamic reports how to
- Replicating tables with user-defined datatypes
- Last message date: Mon Jun 19 2006 - 21:07:13 CDT
- Archived on: Fri Jun 30 2006 - 21:10:05 CDT