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Re: J. Gennick's SQL Developer write up in Oracle Mag.

From: Jonathan Gennick <>
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 12:09:02 -0400
Message-ID: <>

LOL! I just got back from a long trip and saw this. I'm sicker than a dog today, and I needed this laugh.

ND> ... Startup SQL Developer on a PC with 256 MB RAM and a 2.6 Mhz PC.
ND> Word and Email client are already running as is Firefox and IE5.5, the
ND> help desk system and so on. 

Well, I have 1GB of RAM, but only a 1.2Ghz CPU. And I also run lots of apps, including XE, and my startup time is not quite so bad as yours. Granted though, Java apps do not generally begin with the same zip as a compiled application.

Best regards,

Jonathan Gennick --- Brighten the corner where you are * 906.387.1698 *

Wednesday, April 26, 2006, 10:57:00 AM, Norman Dunbar ( wrote: ND> Hi Jonathan, I think you missed a couple of bits out of your article ND> about the DBA with 15 minutes to get through the todo list :


ND> It's 11:45 and you need to be done by 12:00, so ...

ND> ... Startup SQL Developer on a PC with 256 MB RAM and a 2.6 Mhz PC.
ND> Word and Email client are already running as is Firefox and IE5.5, the
ND> help desk system and so on. 

ND> ... Wait for splash screen to load - it's now 11:47.

ND> ... It finally starts, hooray, it's 11:48 now.

ND> ... Need to create a new database connection, so try to pick one from ND> the drop down - oops, Oracle Names is not supported, have to go manual.

ND> ... open a DOS box, it's now 11:49

ND> ... tnsping the alias, need to write down host, port and
ND> SID/Service_name - can't find a pen, have to hunt the office to find
ND> one. Now it's 11:52.

ND> ... Write down host, sid and port.

ND> ... Create database connection using above data. Press TEST - get ND> error., something Java-ish, it's 11:54.

ND> ... Try again, same result. Login to Metalink. It's now 12:11.

ND> ... Aha, advanced search turns up "connections to databases less than ND> are not supported". It's 12:12 now.

ND> ... As the database is, shut down SQL Developer. Try Raptor ND> (the beta version) instead.

ND> ... It's 12:15 and still looking at the splash screen.

ND> ... At 12:16, kill Raptor. Fire up TOAD.

ND> ... At 12:20, job done, go for lunch, wife only slightly annoyed :o)

ND> <GD&R>


ND> The above is slightly humorous, but reasonably accurate. It's a pain
ND> that databases below 9201 are not supported even though Raptor did allow
ND> connections to be made. In addition, not allowing Oracle Names type
ND> connections to be made is a major flaw (IMHO) especially as Name is
ND> still supported until Oracle 10 anyway.  The splash screen hangs around
ND> far too long on a limited RAM 'busy' machine.

ND> Hope you don't mind the parody :o)

ND> Cheers,
ND> Norman.

ND> Norman Dunbar.
ND> Contract Oracle DBA.
ND> Rivers House, Leeds.

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Received on Sat Apr 29 2006 - 11:09:02 CDT

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