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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Move table partition in parallel
Hi listers,
Perhaps, someone can explain this behavior. I move partition of a table using: alter table <owner>.<table> move partition <partition> tablespace <tablespace> parallel 8 nologging;
Oracle spawn 8 parallel processes that are doing selects in parallel. However, there is only one process that writes to the temporary segment which becomes partition segment later. This single process is spending its time on db file sequential read. I would expect that Oracle should spawn 8 processes to write to new partition (each process writing to its own temporary segment using direct writes, perhaps). Obviously, this is terribly slow.
Is there any way to really parallelize partition move operation?
Table is heap-organized and contains few BLOB columns if it maters. There is a local index partition of which, of course, gets invalidated after move.
Best regards,
Alex Gorbachev
Received on Sat Apr 29 2006 - 08:01:32 CDT