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Oracle-L: by subject
- .NET Stored Procedures in Oracle database
- AIX reboots
- commit delay on RAC environment
- controlfile size located at a raw device
- EMC monitoring - slightly OT
- Import question
- java for the database
- java warn while executing a stored procedure - SQL Warning: 17110, SQLState: null
- monitoring and maintenance tool
- newbie question regarding JDBC and CMAN
- No timestamps for redolog switches on Windohs?
- OT: high WIO on Linux
- Portal styles not rendering
- Primary Key seems to be harmful for performance
- RAC Interconnect in Slowaris
- SAN vs DAS
- Sony Online Entertainment Oracle Job Openings
- Surprising parameters for direct path read in 100046 trace
- symlinks/OUI
- Truncating tables in RAC environment
- Two questions about resource profiles
- who oracle-l
- Last message date: Wed Mar 15 2006 - 23:48:53 CST
- Archived on: Fri Mar 31 2006 - 19:10:01 CST