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Oracle-L: by subject
- "session param valu" in x$ksmlru
- ADMIN: Posting privileges
- Centralized names resolution
- Converting from raw to filesystem
- cpujan2006 client issues
- data pump errors DW01 worker failed
- Fwd: More on the workaround for the unpatched Oracle PLSQL Gateway flaw
- Help with SQL Trace
- how do I concatenate a string in PL/SQL?
- import fails due to different character set
- listing of all file names in a directory into a collection in pl/sql procedure
- LogMnr tuning?
- Need advice on import with auto undo
- new oracle software
- ODBC connection - extra statements being run
- OEM Grid Control Reports
- Oracle from unbreakable to unpatchable
- query v$session_event/x$ksles coredump after did some init.ora change
- Reducing scale/precision with exp/imp?
- Restore RMAN backup from another location
- roles and privileges 101
- rule hint ignored?
- SGA Free memory
- sql query substr
- Table Locking Anomaly (Do I Believe OEM or Tom Kyte Scripts? ....)
- Tough SQL Problem
- Which sizing view to believe?
- Last message date: Wed Feb 08 2006 - 23:37:52 CST
- Archived on: Tue Feb 28 2006 - 23:50:10 CST