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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: FW:NFS issues
Clarification: We are using SAN and NAS (network attached storage). We are
writing our archs to SAN and NAS and the NAS uses the NFS where as the SAN
is a direct connect through a fibre switch. I just went and checked the
place I had the error was on the NAS using NFS which is where I had the
error. The SAN has had more errors but it is also in much more use.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Thomas Fox
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2005 7:36 AM
Subject: RE: FW:NFS issues
Hmmm... SANs don't use NFS or any other network protocol. They look like a local disk to the systems connected to it. Could it be NAS they are using? Those require a network protocol, such as NFS or SMB.
So the problems that Brian and Dick are reporting are when usingNFS over
{both say that they "used to use NetApp" and now use"SAN"} ?
I run 9iRAC (Linux) on NetApp with , obviously, the archivelogs also onthe same NetApp filer and haven't had issues.
At 03:06 AM Tuesday, Spears, Brian wrote: ah ha!! sounds veryfamiliar...
Actually, we did the samething..used to use Netapp and now we use SAN. We have used a couple ofSANs now ...
OOPS, my feeble memory isjogged, I actually just had a similar problem you
having...eek, just a couple weeks ago.
Ok.. the admin and I scratchedheads for 2.5hrs and then it started working again.... thought itactually was RMAN writing the backup to there (and the Rman archivelogbackup).
We never got to the bottom ofit. We were thinking of putting sniffer on the network to check forbottlenecks but the problem has not shown up since.
New wrinkle to add to the pile,caught me off guard too. This use to be a NFS mount to a NetAppliance system. It was moved over the weekend to a SAN mountpointon the CX500. Still NFS though.
Network? Not sure I canhelp at this point..looks like some directed troubleshooting...
Also.. onetime I think we had aproblem... we rebooted our server from where the NFS mounts were donewhich helped.
Yes we canwrite files on the NFS mount, and the syslogs have nothing in them. But the DB sure is having a pile of fun with it. Alter log saysit's creating the archive log, but nothing shows up and the db justhangs.
Yes we are... and noproblems.
One weapon we are findinguseful is the 10G OEM.. does server parameter theghost admin change something..? Even when we catch them.. it slides likewater off the ducks back cause they are on the top of the food chain.Always.. I remember there are some settings to make sure NFS canaccommodate issue (forget the details now.. something about async). Iwould do some testing..can you copy files there, write there ...have theAdmin check the syslog and so on..
Hemant K Chitale
Received on Tue Nov 01 2005 - 09:04:17 CST
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