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Re: Oracle Portal--good, bad or merely ugly?

From: Antonio Belloni <>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2005 14:26:50 -0300 (ART)
Message-ID: <>

Hi Bob,

We are using Oracle Portal ( as our intranet platform for almost one year. Basically , it serves dynamic content to employees (company news , products news and information , internal phone and extensions list , Lotus Notes Integration using Lotus Notes Portlet , Oracle workflow integration using Workflow portlet) which is maintained by the busineses areas , with minimal intervetion from the IT. Also , working togheter with SSO and Form Server it is used as single entry-point to our Forms 9i applications.

Although problems with WebCache ,which we could not configure properly until now , and with Report Server (which has not to do with Portal) , it has not been difficult to administer Portal or deploy new content and applications into it. Stability and reliability has been another surprise to us , even running iAS in a Win2K box we are having uptime periods of months , booting the machine only because of Win2K memory management issues.

Development and deploying of apps is made by a web developer , with no formal training on Portal and , just with the help of Oracle manuals and papers , he is been able solve the problems without or with minimal issues. We don´t , and are not pretending to , deploy rich content (video and sound streamers , for example), and we cannot say if Portal would be our choice to serve these types of content.

The most of the bugs found are well documented in Metalink. For some of them there are patches available , to others we have to migrate to 9.0.4 or above. So if you are planning to test Portal , it is higly recommend to install the lastest release.

Hope it help you and feel free to ask further questions.

Antonio Belloni
Project Manager - IT Staff
H.Stern S/A

> Has anyone here deployed Oracle Portal for intranet
> use, or at least kicked
> it around in some depth? We are considering it for
> a potential intranet
> platform that would be geared around basic content
> management---designated
> individuals throughout the company would be
> responsible effectively for
> posting and managing content with [hopefully]
> minimal IT intervention.
> Other primary requirements are stability and enough
> flexibility to evolve
> the intranet with much richer and more dynamic
> content. Stability aside,
> Portal seems like a top-notch platform and Instant
> Portal in iAS SE1
> ( is pretty darn slick. ( just
> showed up, no idea
> what's in it.)
> Any stories from the field about Portal deployments
> (version 9.0.4 on up)
> that were either sweet or sour?
> Bob

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Received on Fri Aug 26 2005 - 12:33:00 CDT

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