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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Patch 9.2.07 for Linux
There must not be second opinion about your comment.
"The quality of the stuff being release has slipped noticeably."
Dealing with Oracle products / databases since 1988, this slip is quite visible and doumentary evideance can be seen just after release of patchset under known bugs introduce by new patchset. 9206 was the worst example. Just after applying it all web based applications stopped working as they were not able to connect the database. It took me 5 days to get one dirty off patch to fix that issue.
We always appreciate your input and participation on this list and hope for
your complete recovery.
We have been expressing our concern through iTAR when we face problems after
applying database patchsets which are now a days being released without
proper testing.
From: "Mercadante, Thomas F (LABOR)" <>
To: <>, <>,"oracle-l"
Subject: RE: Patch 9.2.07 for Linux
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 08:05:25 -0400
I would hope that someone at Oracle would monitor this forum simply to see what people are complaining about.
I've said this in the past and I'll say it again.
The quality of the stuff being release has slipped noticeably. From Missing patch sets as Mladen has enlightened us about, to patch sets that corrupt the software installation, to Oracle Patch that does not work.
It's time for Oracle to focus less on rushing stuff to market that does not work and focus more on delivering quality software that works as advertised.
I don't expect a reply from you on this. I am not criticizing you personally at all. And I recognize that because you work, for Oracle, you may get some stuff directed at you that is simply dumb.
But I am hoping that Oracle takes notice that people are getting fed up with how they do "the business".
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Pete Sharman
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 8:26 PM
To:; oracle-l
Cc: Peter Ross Sharman
Subject: RE: Patch 9.2.07 for Linux
Usually I don't reply to Mladen's rants, because I can't do anything about them. :) This time, however, he took my name in vain so maybe I should see if I can use some of those skills that those of us that are parents need to use to deal with teenagers to calm him down. ;)
Firstly, let me make it clear that I don't believe there is anyone on this list, either using an Oracle employee ID like I do or using a private email address, that can comment officially from the corporation perspective on emails such as this. I know of a few Oracle employees on this list, and I'm sure that there are others that I don't know of, who monitor the list purely and simply to provide technical input and help out where they can. That's all I can do, and it's all any of us can do. There are official channels for making comments like the ones Mladen has, and getting responses on them. This list is clearly not one of them.
Having said that, I'm certainly not saying that Mladen shouldn't make comments like this here. One of the real benefits I've always seen in a list such as this is finding out from other users what sorts of problems they're facing, and how they worked around those problems. It is a totally legitimate tool for problem solving in the wider Oracle community.
Coming back to why I haven't been responding to many emails on this list, it stems from two main causes. Firstly, as Nuno already commented I've been dealing with a health issue. I damaged my back (again) in late March, which finally resulted in a second round of back surgery at the end of July. During the intervening period, it's been difficult to even keep up with my real job let alone looking at emails. Secondly, at about the same time, I moved into a new role at Oracle, working in RAC development. Since I had to suddenly learn a lot of stuff that I hadn't needed to know in detail in my previous role, all the brain cells I have for Oracle work are now totally full with 10.2 RAC. Anything earlier than that has fallen off the LRU end of the BCBC (brain cell buffer chain). Once you guys catch up with me and start using 10.2 in anger, I might be able to help out more. ;)
"Controlling developers is like herding cats." Kevin Loney, Oracle DBA Handbook
"Oh no, it's not. It's much harder than that!" Bruce Pihlamae, long-term Oracle DBA
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Mladen Gogala
Sent: Tuesday, 23 August 2005 1:39 PM
To: oracle-l
Subject: Patch 9.2.07 for Linux
I have just been hit by the bug 3083560 which will be fixed in Oracle, if
Oracle support is to be believed (and frequently, it is not). There was
also a debate
about the qualities of Linux, despite its apparent shortcomings (no
streams, no
reliable printing - CUPS is a joke, tuning kernel is a black art, not
supported by
books similar to the Adrian Cockroft's, variables like like freelim,
borrowlim and growlim don't exist and many other little things that I am
to start explaining to Linux aficionados) in which I mentioned the
qualities of Linux.
I don't know who's fooling who, but Oracle is using Linux users as free
beta testers.
Support sucks. I received a confidential email in June, informing me
for Linux is "packaged and almost ready to ship". The person who wrote
that email, a
member of this list, lied shamelessly. Patch was released for Solaris
and Windows, both
32-bit, and for no other platform. The patchset was released on 7/21/05.
What is
the deal with the other platforms? Is Oracle Corp. development too
incompetent to
synchronize important patchsets? Do they need us to do some QA? WTF is
going on?
I am really ticked off now that I've been awaken for the n-th time
because of the wondrous
software quality of Oracle 9.2. Does anybody really know when Oracle
plans to release
this patchset? What will it take to persuade them? The quality of the
software recently
produced by the Oracle Corp. is beneath contempt, probably as a result
of outsourcing to
Elbonia. There used to be Oracle person which participated in this list,
Peter Sharman,
but he is not participating for a very long time. There are also few
members of this list
which participate as private persons, under various nicknames.
Is there anybody from Oracle to address this outrage and tell us about
the plans for making
Oracle 9.2 as reliable as beta version of 7.3 used to be?
Such haughty and condescending behavior used to be practiced by DEC. One
of the companies
that I used to work for switched to PostgresSQL (Wang Trading). At the
time, I thought
that Oracle is worth sticking with. Now, I am no longer that convinced.
I believe its
the time to start learning MySQL. Oracle will inevitably go down if it
continues behaving
like this. The mighty have fallen before. It seems to stimulate
evolution. What Oracle needs
is a dose of intelligent design.
Mladen Gogala
Received on Thu Aug 25 2005 - 10:29:03 CDT
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