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I talked to oracle after applying a one-off patch recommended by oracle to of the app server
I was told oracle does not do regression testing of one-off patches
Anyone else here that. I must have missed that in the rls docs and readme. I do not remember seeing it there. You would think it would be in big bold letters on the readme
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: Oracle-L Freelists <>
Sent: Fri May 20 14:42:59 2005
Subject: Opatch rant
Wanna see something interesting with opatch? *nix: perl -cw $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/
Windoze: perl -cw %ORACLE_HOME%\opatch\
Anyone else have trouble with opatch and Perl 5.8.3?
Windows 2003
Perl 5.8.3
Opatch 1.0....52
Opatch either exits with an error code that is a very long negative number, or just spits out its copyright information and quits.
Interestingly, installing Perl 5.0.00503 in OH/Apache cures the problem, as the opatch.bat script will find it there and it runs happily.
5.8.3 seems to work fine on a Win2K box with the same version of opatch.
Jared Still
Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist
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