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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> [SPAM] Software 75% Off . As seen In PC Magaz|ne
Compar1son rep0rt
We have aLL y0ur fav0r|te Programs at Incred|bLy L0w Prices
WiNDOWS X*P PrO & 0FFiCE X.P PrO fOr as lOw as 80 D0l|ars
m0re |ow prices:
The Offer is val1d UntIl| April 14th
Stock is ||m|ted
confirm your adress
Tad Sanders
ABS, Hialeah, United States of America
Phone: 748-584-6224
Mobile: 161-624-4269
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This shareware is a 27 minute definite freeware
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silverman ironic woodyard
Time: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 23:34:28 -0500 Received on Fri Mar 18 2005 - 23:32:53 CST