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Thanks Christian,
I agree to 'see' it I will need to run it, I just don't have enough disk to load the database into 10g, I was hoping to import the user sans data and compile to 'see' if feature will be used. The presentation went into detail about not all queries will use array processing - only 'static sql cursor for loop' which in the presentation has the form
for j in (select ... From tbl)
Yada yada;
End loop;
I'm not sure if the code is wrapped, but the select that is problematic is likely not of that form. Obviously a code re-write is in order, but I have been asked to estimate the benefit of a quick jump to 10g for this issue. I am now leaning to telling management the silver bullet is gray and having them push the application vendor.
Thanks again
-----Original Message-----
From: "Christian Antognini"<>
Sent: 3/17/05 10:57:06 AM
To: ""<>
Cc: ""<>
Subject: RE: PL/SQL Automatic BULK
Hi Bruce
>Saw this mentioned at OOW, anybody seen it work?
If you enable SQL trace you will "see" it.
>The jist is that the new optimizing compiler will
>take a static sql cursor for loop and 'bulkify' it.
It's a prefetching. Basically instead of fetching one single row at a = time, now 100 rows are prefetched.
>What limits are in the optimizer bulkification process
The prefetching feature is only enabled for queries, i.e. there's no = automatic FORALL...
>Can you tell if bulkification is performed without running the p/sql.
If PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL is set to 2 the feature is activated.
-- on Thu Mar 17 2005 - 13:59:28 CST