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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: OT - SarBox paranoia prevention ?
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On 02/19/2005 09:25:12 PM, Chip Briggs wrote:
> Thanks for the laughter, help, and ideas :)
Same here.
> On an IBM mainframe running MVS, a system
> programmer had to specify which datasets
> could contain executable code that could be
> run with operating system authorization.
> Seems like a conceptually similar setup is
> needed for applications to prevent use of
> unauthorized code on application data.
> Compounding this security issue is ongoing
> verification and authorization of programs
> on all platforms (how to prevent a rogue
> executable from impersonating authorized
> production application code).
The whole problem is of religious nature. Most software systems establish t=
role of Lord Almighty, who grants privileges and smites sessions. In the IB=
M world,
it was the system programmer, Unix has roots, Oracle has a DBA. All those s=
systems are of monotheistic nature and imply only a single point of authori=
ty. What
needs to be rediscovered are polytheistic systems like the one of the ancie=
nt Greeks.
My personal favorites were Bacchus and Aphrodite. In such system, DBA would=
be just
the first among the equals, the bridge builder, the pontifex maximus. Hmmm,=
when I=20
come to think of it, that could also lead to some trouble.
Mladen Gogala
Oracle DBA
-- on Sat Feb 19 2005 - 23:55:20 CST