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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: latch-free SCN scheme (
Tim Gorman wrote:
>>This guy explains also latchless SCN in some details.
>>Great idea, like every transaction own 255 SCN
>>numbers, then no need to take the latch :)
>At least, no need to take the latch quite so *often*...
>Not only that, but "this guy" is also one heckuva first-time snowboarder, as
>we discovered the day after the RMOUG conference last week.
>I was supposed to be teaching him (my only opportunity to do so in any
>endeavor), and he skipped all that to go straight up on the lift by himself,
>not 15 minutes after stepping onto a ski area for the very first time. He
>ended the day doing aerials, rodeos, and end-o's...
>And he's brilliant besides?
Well, Tanel is apparently fearless: I believe that he once, together
with some friends, went down the highest hill/mountain in Estonia in one
of those roof boxes you put on top of your car for extra luggage, ski,
-- on Wed Feb 16 2005 - 02:21:43 CST