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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: latch-free SCN scheme (
> This guy explains also latchless SCN in some details.
> Great idea, like every transaction own 255 SCN
> numbers, then no need to take the latch :)
At least, no need to take the latch quite so *often*...
Not only that, but "this guy" is also one heckuva first-time snowboarder, as we discovered the day after the RMOUG conference last week.
I was supposed to be teaching him (my only opportunity to do so in any endeavor), and he skipped all that to go straight up on the lift by himself, not 15 minutes after stepping onto a ski area for the very first time. He ended the day doing aerials, rodeos, and end-o's...
And he's brilliant besides?
-- on Tue Feb 15 2005 - 19:15:25 CST